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Valerie Bryant

Managing Your Life Season of "Fall" when in or Beyond Marital Trauma

FALL – the beginning of reality of altered climatic states that take you from living more abundant summer joys to losing some of life’s essence on the way to a barren winter.

We accept the seasons God established for us from earth’s foundation – but it’s mostly because we have no choice but to do so. When storms come, we wisely “batten down the hatches” to preserve self and our precious “stuff”. As summer approaches, some stockpile sunscreen while others maintenance the A/C to counter the heat. We might moan over these inevitable adjustments, yet we acquiesce and live forward. Seasonal changes are going to happen - with or without us.

After going through marital trauma, we often struggle with accepting seasons thrust upon us because we’ve adapted to life as it had been, for however long. We settle into the season of matrimony, understandably set on the notion that it would be until “death do us part”. However, when the mister “parts” and abandons the marriage emotionally, financially, physically, and/or especially spiritually, we cannot deny the fact that he has already divorced us (and often the kids) to pursue a different and shameful season of his own separate life. This is an unwanted season of change that we neither asked for or planned for.

Accepting bitter seasons with right preparation while minimizing the negative – this is how we get through.

To best manage your life going forward, you must first know where you happen to be.

You are likely in the season of Fall if:

· You notice the spousal love and empathy temperature drops, much like temperature fluctuates and drops during seasonal transitions. It could manifest in forms such as the sudden and debilitating chill you feel after discovery of the mister’s egregious unfaithfulness or continued spousal and paternal abuses.

· All you ponder is the way things were to where you find yourself vacillating and desperately clinging to the hope that he will change and life will improve. Yet this clinging weakens your grip on reality as find yourself in a freefall. Such plummeting simulates leaves falling from their support branch once their ability to hang on is lost.

· Feelings of depression, retreat, and hopelessness overtake you because you can’t figure (alone) which way to go. Your path is only dimly lit. Correlate this to the lower amounts of daylight that the season of fall naturally brings. Where there is less light, we are thrust into more darkness and confusion.

Ways to adjust to the life season of FALL in our lives:

· Physically: Exercise graciously, go outside more regularly, use calming essential oils, and take as many candle-lit baths as you can. Vibe down.

· Emotionally: Nurture social connections and lean on a true sister who cares.

· Spiritually: Pour out your pain to God and recall His promises. The Supernatural is present in our suffering and provides the light of love through others – to help you see your way.

· Mentally: Name (label) your suffering to sooner overcome it

Are you finding yourself in a season of Fall? If so, use this support to begin gettin yourself through it so you can begin moving towards building the greatest version of you.

Believe that you deserve it - to get yourself to the other side of "through".

Believe also that God equipped you to get there. Lastly, remember that though some seasons linger, there will always come a future one where you will be able to breathe, rejoice and live again.



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