Most parents want to avoid promoting negative attitudes and outcomes within their homes. Having so many children under my roof has given me plenty crazy stories of my own to share on platform about . . . me and my antics as a mom People laugh (and me with them). I bet they sometimes think I have made up stories. Honest – my creative juices have limits not allowing me to so do. Realize, however, that the mistakes I’ve made growing my older children have helped me shape better pathways for my younger ones still at home. Use this information to untie bad practices you may now be employing with your children. From mine and others’ personal snafus, here are
5 Parenting “Knots” to avoid (and unravel ) that benefit your children
PARENTING KNOT 1: NOT spending enough time with your child.
Taking your children, separately, on fun morning, afternoon or evening outings helps you get to know them better while focusing individually on them. It’s a beautifully exclusive way to both affirm and empower them. You also get to know them outside of the family group.
PARENTING KNOT 2: NOT acknowledging a child’s dreams and aspirations.
Regardless of oddity (and some dreams can seem quite looney-birdish), imaginations are ways a child’s mind sometimes tests/proves/resolves matters for bigger developments later in life. If left unaffirmed by a parent, a child’s ability to boldly and uniquely explore realms outside of another’s grasps is impaired. Stretch your heart to embrace them where they are.
PARENTING KNOT 3: NOT keeping promises to your child.
If you say you are going to do something, then do it! If you fail your children by going back on your word, they won’t fully trust you to “be there”. Children remember how you make them feel. Be certain to help them feel truth from you, knowing they can depend on you more than any other. In that way, when they desperately need a good word, they will come to you for it.
PARENTING KNOT 4: NOT requesting forgiveness when you are wrong.
The best way to build confidence in your child’s heart is to let them know you, too, are inclined to error. If you gloss over your own mistakes, especially when it impacts them, they will resent you for it - possibly for a lifetime. Ask forgiveness and then silence yourself . Often, parents like to justify by intimating, “I know it was wrong for me to do/say that, but you should not have done/said … “ Whenever you ask forgiveness, be careful not to continue conferring blame and guilt upon your child.
PARENTING KNOT 5: NOT keeping time for family as sacred.
If you habitually prioritize everyone else’s schedule above your family’s, your children will see that they are not really your truest concern. Your actions and schedule screams loudest. Though they may not confront you on it, children will indeed harbor resentment and learn to plan you out of their own future lives. Life demands and obligations will always be there; however, your children will not.
Untie those devastating knots you tie that rob your family of the joyful family living they deserve.